While there is no cure for diabetes, knowledge about diabetes and self-management skills can improve the experience of symptoms and overall quality of life for those living with diabetes. Lifestyle changes can help reduce the likeliness of developing type 2 diabetes among people with prediabetes. Healthy Living for ME™ (HL4ME) offers evidence-based workshops to address both of the above conditions.
Living Well with Diabetes (also known as Diabetes Self-Management Program)
Living Well with Diabetes is designed to help people with type 2 diabetes and those who have prediabetes learn how to live well. Supports such as friends, family, partners, etc. are also welcome to take part in this workshop series. Led by two facilitators, participants meet once weekly for 2.5 hours over 6 weeks. Topics include but are not limited to: techniques to deal with the symptoms of diabetes, fatigue, pain, hyper/hypoglycemia, stress, depression, anger, fear and frustration; appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance; healthy eating, appropriate use of medication; and working with healthcare providers.
To access HL4ME’s statewide schedule of Living Well with Diabetes offerings, visit www.healthylivingforme.org or call 1-800-620-6036
**Currently offered in-person or online through video conferencing platforms**