Rethink Diabetes is here to help Mainers find diabetes prevention and education information and classes.

Risk test with Video
Taking the risk test is quicker than shelling a lobster.
Slider with background image, text and button
With prediabetes, action is the best medicine.
New Year 2023
The arrival of the New Year is a great time to set reachable health goals and get back on track.
Christmas Slider

Bring comfort and joy to your holidays by making
healthy lifestyle changes that can prevent or delay
type 2 diabetes. You can start today by taking the
prediabetes risk test to find out if you are at risk:

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Am I at Risk for Diabetes?

If you know someone who might be at risk, have them take the online quiz to find out. They can then ask their doctor for a blood sugar screening test if their score is 5 or more.

Upcoming Classes

Find A Class

Organizations around the state offer the National Diabetes Prevention Program. Some classes are in person, but there are also virtual options.